
Friday 25 November 2016

SVN tutorial n 14 - resolve

The svn "resolve" command resolves the “conflicted” state on working copy files or directories. The synopsis is:
 svn resolve <path>
This routine does not semantically resolve conflict markers; however, it replaces <path> with the version specified by the "--accept" argument and then removes conflict-related artifact files. This allows <path> to be committed again that is, it tells Subversion that the conflicts have been “resolved.”
Using the same example used in [1]
> svn update
 Updating '.':
 C    MyFile.txt
 Updated to revision 31.
 Summary of conflicts:
 Text conflicts: 1
After a postponed conflict resolution during update, svn resolve replaces the all conflicts in file MyFile.txt with your edits:
> svn resolve --accept mine-full MyFile.txt



Thursday 24 November 2016

SVN tutorial n13 - resolved

The svn resolved command removes “conflicted” state on working copy files or directories. The synopsis is:
 svn resolved <path>
> svn update
 Updating '.':
 C    MyFile.txt
 Updated to revision 31.
 Summary of conflicts:
 Text conflicts: 1
> ls MyFile.txt*
MyFile.txt – the original with markers
MyFile.txt.mine – your version
MyFile.txt.r30 – the original your worked with
MyFile.txt.r31 – the most update version from other user
If you want use your version
> cp MyFile.txt.mine MyFile.txt
> svn resolved MyFile.txt
> svn commit -m "resolved..." MyFile.txt
This command has been deprecated in favor of running "svn resolve --accept working PATH."
The svn resolve command will be described in next posts.